6 Golden Rules for Being a Good Tutor

Created by Mark Davis in Online Teaching 17 Sep 2023

Every good tutor will be aware of the fact that their first session with a new bunch of students is vital in setting behavioural expectations in the class. With most of the learning process going online, knowing the right tips for online tutoring is mandatory. To help hit the right chord with the students, SuperTeacher has come up with 6 golden online teaching tips. These tips shall help you in boosting your credentials as an ideal tutor. 

Introduction Is The Key

Every student expects rapid academic progress through a good tutor. They expect a friendly initiative from the tutor. Hence, introducing oneself in the right way is among the top online tutoring tips. Introduce yourself and try to know your students better. Know about their school/college and understand what their aspirations are. 

Take Them Through The Tutoring Process

Many students might be attending online tuition for the first time. Hence, taking them through the process is one of the top tips for online tutoring. Tell them to interact frequently rather than a one-way learning process. Assure them that you will clear every doubt that might accrue in their minds. Know about the areas of concern for them and set the tone right with the following online teaching tips. 

Assess The Students’ Current Level of Study

It is in the best interest of the tutor to assess their student’s level of understanding before beginning the teaching process. Ask your students to complete some pre-planned questions. Introducing resources to the students is also among the key tutor tips to keep in mind. This simply demonstrates that you have prepared for the lesson and will take every effort to help the students achieve their goals. 

Boost Your Student’s Confidence

It is better to kickstart your tutoring session with an easy lesson. This will help you set the right pace basis the student’s grasping skills. If you feel that the student is struggling with the easy lesson also, then activate and enhance communication to instill a sense of confidence in them. 

Trigger Home Learning 

To ensure better productivity out of the tutor session, you should ensure that the students practice their skills in your absence. This can be done by leaving them with some homework on a regular basis. Although some students might not be too happy with regular homework, it will definitely help them achieve their academic goals. 

Build An Understanding With Parents 

Building a rapport with parents remains one of the most important tutor tips. It is important to maintain a rapport and an understanding not just with the students but also their parents after the first session. Discuss the child’s learning outcomes for at least 5-10 minutes after every tutoring session to boost their trust and confidence in you. 

To Conclude 

The pandemic has revolutionised the way we have perceived e-learning. With students now seeking tutoring sessions online, SuperTeacher, an online teaching platform has gained momentum. The platform empowers teachers to conduct online lectures, smart assessments and assignments. The use of SuperTeacher to conduct online tutoring sessions will help you boost your student enrolment ratio by 10x and establish your own teaching brand. 


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