However, they might lack an idea on how to go about writing a great application for the same, including a cover letter. SuperTeacher online teaching app attempts to explain ways through which you can write effective applications including for primary teacher training.
A decent cover letter is an important aspect of applying for any role including those looking for primary teacher training. It might be true that some sectors do not favour cover letters anymore, but the education sector is still not counted among those sectors. A cover letter is your chance to showcase to the institution why they should accept your teacher training ideas and offer an opportunity to you.
A general cover letter should include introduction, experience, examples, summary and contact details. Explain the previously mentioned points in brief so that a cover letter hints out every aspect of your teaching journey to the recruiter.
A personal statement is an important part of any teacher training application. One of the top teacher training tips is to focus on the personal statement in detail. This section lets you put down your points in 600 words and should include answers to the following questions:
The questions might not be restricted to the list mentioned above but could also include other aspects of teaching.
It might be difficult for you to formulate an appealing application without any formal experience in teaching. The section dealing with experience can be tackled by emphasizing that you enjoy working with children. Think of ways your current experience has prepared you for a successful career in teaching.
Teachers require high levels of skills such as patience, adaptability, a high level of organization and creative problem-solving. You could mention situations that you might have encountered and have used the above-mentioned skills. It is important to note that the application form should not be too long. Try to narrow down your points to bare facts. You could elaborate on these points during the interview.
These were some of the teacher training tips in your pursuit of establishing a career in the field of education. You could also set up your own teaching brand with SuperTeacher, which allows you to enroll students and conduct lectures across geographies.