As per the Education Sector Factbook, e-Learning has grown at a rapid pace of 23% per year between 2013-2017. Today, e-Learning technology has completely ...
Online classroom design is a challenging process, but given the importance of online education, it is worth the struggle! To teach students effectively online, ...
Technology has enabled a massive shift from a traditional physical classroom setting to e-learning and digital education. With this, education has now become ...
Every teacher is well aware of the fact that their profession is not only about imparting skills in a classroom. It extends to include quite a number of things. ...
Stress is a terminology that we all are well aware of. It’s experienced by almost every individual. Students, too, are not distant from this aspect of life. ...
Critical thinking skills are crucial to deep learning. That is exactly why they should be developed early in life. But what is critical thinking? It is the ...